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Free recordings are below. Enjoy!
(Inexpensive popular recordings are available at Featured Audio.)
- A Critique of the Philosophy Behind Star Wars
Contrasted with many worldviews and historical sources - First Things First
Sacraments w/o relationship? - Faith Works
Love in and love out - The Master Modern Heresy
The loss of the supernatural sense - The Gift of Tongues
Letting God pray for you - Central Charismatic Unity
Only a Spirit can unite a Body
Hear more on the charismatic dimension of Christianity:
The free lectures below are accessible after selecting the page (ToC) link.
Relating to God
- Prayer for Beginners The practice of God's presence
- Arguments for God's Existence — Five classic defenses for believing in God
- The One Thing Needed Life's most important activity
- Till We Have Faces — A commentary on C.S. Lewis's solution to evil, worked out in fiction. Also deals with the fascinating question "Why does God wear disguises?"
- The Word Scripture as a living portrait
- Aquinas and the Angels — There may be more to angels than it seems
- Ecumenism Without Compromise — The united Christ is our core
- A Refutation of Moral Relativism — Not just a strong case against it, but a refutation of the philosophy that no society has ever survived
- Moral Theology and Homosexuality — Traditional moral wisdom for modern moral confusion
- Pro-Life Philosophy The philosophical case against abortion
(THIRD VERSION ADDED — 3/5/13) - Lost in the Cosmos — Contrasts two classics, Walker Percy's Lost in the Cosmos and C.S. Lewis's The Abolition of Man, on the topics of Natural Law, humor and irony, direct and indirect communication, the nature of self, knowing vs. knowing about, and others
- Philosophy: Handmaiden of Theology An interview on the love of wisdom
- Identity The paradoxical nature of self
- Divine Truth—The Heart's Deepest Longing — Explores the nature of self, subjective truth, objective truth and Christ as the Truth
- Time and Eternity C.S. Lewis's insights on these intriguing topics
- Fated and Free The integration of predestination and freewill; an insightful perspective via Lord of the Rings
- The Cosmic Dance C.S. Lewis's joyful cosmology of femininity and masculinity
Suffering and Evil
- A Grief Observed — C.S. Lewis's personal and honest account of the loss of his wife, and how God deepened his love
- The Dark Side Shining light on three kinds of evil:
suffering, death and sin - 10 Uncommon Insights Into Evil from Lord of the Rings — Calls attention to Tolkien's great words reminding us about forgotten wisdom on evil
Beauty and Paradise
- Language of Beauty Prose that no writer will want to miss! The power of words revealed by Lord of the Rings
- The Imagination C.S. Lewis and the power of creative images
- The Sea and Spirituality — A unique meditation on the sea as an icon of God
- Desire The innate hunger for total joy