Featured Audio

Fee Audio
- Mere Christianity — C.S. Lewis' masterpiece
- Christianity in Lord of the Rings — The cleverly disguised role of God in Tolkien's classic
- Lord, Liar, or Lunatic — The famous argument for Christ's identity
- Existence of God — A magnificent overview of the arguments
- Culture War — The call, enemies and battlefields
- Happiness — How do you get it? Christ's version vs. the world's
- Problem of Pain — C.S. Lewis's brilliance on suffering and evil
- Sense from Suffering — A brave look into suffering and evil
- Sexual Reconnection — Healing the link between sex & love
- Good, True and Beautiful — C.S. Lewis on three great transcendentals
- Beauty — The branch of philosophy dealing with aesthetics.
- Soul — Can the study of the soul lose it?
- Shocking Beauty — The live character of Christ
- Women and the Priesthood — Why "only boys can be the daddies"
- Hollywood Screenwriting — Encouragement to film's creative storytellers
- If Einstein Had Been a Surfer — Rediscovering intuitive thinking
- Sex in Heaven — Imaging the fire of God's love
- Heaven — The heart's deepest longing
- Charisms: Visions, Tongues, Healing.
(w/ Dave Nevins) - Gifts within
Charismatic Gifts Resources
Free Audio
Full Courses
- The Platonic Tradition Plato's teaching of essences
- The Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas Rational thought
- Ethics: A History of Moral Thought — The history of ethics.
- Faith and Reason: The Philosophy of Religion - World religions