Peter Kreeft

Charismatic Gifts — [audio, video, books]

Resources to support the church's frequent promotion of the Spirit charisms (Catholic and Protestant).  Theology is growing along with this.       

Natural Intelligence and Supernatural Intelligence

Healing testimonies:


Peter Kreeft & Dave Nevins on
Supernatural Accelerators


Charisms on YouTube

"The Catholic Church will not be strong until she recaptures the source of her strength that the earliest church found...until the charismatic movement becomes invisible—because all Catholics are charismatics." —Peter Kreeft  

“Did I not tell you that if you trust me, you will experience the glory of God?" John 11:40



inner healing on youtube

Kreeft YouTube Audio Excerpts

70x7 Reasons on youtube

Audio Talks

More YouTube Resources

Damian Stayne Healings on YouTube

Street Healing Compilation Film -- Thomas Fischer PG-13]

Tom Fisher on YouTube

Web Reading





Charisms (Visions, Tongues, Healing, etc.)  --  Peter Kreeft and Dave Nevins informally dialogue on experiencing Charismatic Gifts—catalysts to more interactive, “two-way” prayer.     
iTunes audio   Amazon print/eBook